Thursday, September 3, 2009

My poor little London...

So on Monday night, London had a seizure at about 11:30pm... it was her typical seizure and she didn't have too hard of a time getting back to sleep. The next morning however she was super-fussy and really restless. She stayed that way all day and most of the afternoon then seemed to be doing fine... So I didn't think much of it. Then THAT night she had a seizure at about 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. She was very tense and very shaky and she wouldn't eat or drink anything. At about noon, when she hadn't shown any improvement, I called her pediatrician and asked what he thought about it- he said to be on the safe side to take her to Primary Children's ER. So I packed her up and drove down there... And just envision this: Here's 6 1/2 month pregnant me, with a diaper bag, medication bad, my purse, and a lethargic, disabled 2-year-old. They valet parked my car, which helped, but I was still pretty flustered and worried (obviously). We get in there, they take us back to a room at about 1pm and no doctor or nurse even came in to see her until 3PM!!! The only people that came in were the girl that got our insurance information and a tech that took her vitals. So here's little London, still not taking any food or drink, shaking, whining, and generally not herself and nobody cares to check her out...? Not to mention that I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since the previous night... Needless to say I was upset and scared that something could be seriously wrong with my baby and nobody was acting like it was an 'emergency'. Why not call it the 'come in and we'll see you when we see you' room? Not 'emergency' room. ANYWAY- Eventually I got her to take a little applesauce and some water and the doctors came in to see her. They couldn't find any signs of illness so they called the neurology team to come talk to me about changing her medication dosages... She started to perk up a little around 7pm so I said no to doing a lumbar puncture and asked if we could maybe go home and I'd call her regular doctors the next day... They FINALLY ok'd us to leave around 8pm but didn't get around to bringing discharge papers until almost 9pm. Again, picture this: 6 1/2 month pregnant me, with my purse, a daiper bag, a medication bad, hadn't eaten or had anything to drink for nearly 24 hours (except a granola bar I had in my purse for some unknown reason), with my disabled 2-year-old who also has had very little to eat. I was just so upset about the whole thing! I finally got London to drink the last of her bottle (which is a special diet so the hospital didn't have any more for her) and she was getting hungry again and they are taking their sweet time letting us go... I had to keep pushing my call button and bugging them... they were probably SO glad when I finally walked out the doors! She had another seizure last night at about 2am, she didn't get back to sleep after a while and slept til almost 8am this morning... When she woke up, she ate her bottle just fine but she just couldn't get a burp out... She was crying and crying and finally just puked everywhere. Then came the fever. So that's my little update- not very uplifting but hey, it's life I guess! I'll post again when something changes....