Thursday, June 17, 2010

A little catching-up

SO much has happened in the last few months! I am on Facebook all the time, why can't I ever seem to update London's blog?!?

Anyway, back in April London was started on a new medicine: Banzel. It took a while for us to see any results but for the past month she has been down to only about 1 seizure per week, so I guess it's working a little. The only downside is that when she does have a seizure, it seems to be much harder on her. Her neurologist mentioned a VNS (vagal nerve stimulator) so that's something we need to think about. I'm still researching but as of now, I'm trying to hang on to the hope that we can get these dang seizures under control with medication; although maybe a VNS would be better...

For info on VNS:

Also back in April we did some fundraising to earn money to buy London (and another child who could benefit from it) an EagleEye system.

This is an amazing tool for kids like London who have limited or no movement. We sold candy bars (thanks, Della!), cookie dough (thanks Nykele!), had a yard sale and raffled off some great items. Thank you SO much to everyone who supported out efforts!! The yard sale was a HUGE success and we raised enough money just from that to buy an entire system! Our raffles were also a huge help- we had a Browning clock, 2 New Image Day Spa gift certificates, a Papa Murphey's gift basket, a rag quilt, and Willard Bay Gardens gift certificate all DONATED just to help little London! We can't even express how touched we are that so many people would help us like that! How lucky we are to have so many loving, generous people in our lives! Not only that, but many complete strangers helped out, too! Willard Bay Gardens had an adorable poster up with London's pictures and information to get people to buy candy bars to help out, but so many people just made donations to her. It's things like this that remind me that there really are good people out there. It's easy to forget when no one will even open the door for a woman pushing a stroller anymore!

We are hanging in there, even though sometimes I want to just throw in the towel! I'm lucky that I have been able to meet a few other moms whose kiddos have similar struggles to London's. They are such an inspiration to me! Having someone to talk to that can relate to the ups-and-downs is really nice. No matter how alone I may feel, there are people out there who are in similar situations, and it's been very therapeutic for me to be able to talk to them. (you know who you are! Thanks!)

London also got a new haircut! :) She was constantly getting her fingers tangled in her hair because she likes to rest with her hands behind her head. So when she'd pull her hands out from under her head, she'd pull hair out, too. :( So, we chopped it short! It's just a spikey little 'do! I think she likes it though, it probably helps keep her cool and now that it's not always in her face maybe she'll be more comfortable. Pics to come! :)