Monday, August 2, 2010

A Little Since June...

So the day after my last post, we had to take London to the ER because she had a fever that just would not break, she wouldn't eat or drink, and she just cried and fussed nonstop. They couldn't find any reason for her to have a fever but I really think it was just from her Topomax, which makes it so that she can't sweat, and the high temps that day... Her fever was 102.5 and she was very dehydrated. They gave her IV fluids and sent us home...

As of this posting, she's down to about one seizure per week; although she is having a lot of what I call, "seizure activity". Her little body will start to go into a seizure- the clenching of all the muscles in her little body at once, the quivering, the glazed over eyes- but I can usually talk to her and she can somehow fight it off.

We had some family pictures done in July- London actually did better than we thought she would. It was a super hot day and we were very worried about her getting TOO hot again and having to take her back to the ER but between shots, we kept her in the shade and gave her lots of cool juice. The pictures turned out cute and I can't wait to get one up on our wall! :)

We got London's EagleEye system in July and it's been so great! She hasn't had a lot of good days where she's been able to tolerate anything, much less being hooked up to it, but we've done it a few times and it's nice knowing that we can do it any time! :)

Here's a picture she 'painted' for my brother, who's serving in the Army in Afghanistan! She has 'painted' many times, but this is the first time I've ever seen her do a pattern like this...

Here are some more pictures of London using the system:

Our next big hurdle will be taking London to the dentist and then she'll start preschool in October! I will update as they take place!

Thanks for crossing London's Bridge!

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