Friday, August 21, 2009

Well London is pretty much completely off the Ketogenic Diet now... she's loving all the foods she gets! She seems to be going about 3 days between seizures but I'm hoping that some of her teeth that have been bothering her will come through and she'll be having even fewer seizures. She's also had a little cough so maybe when that goes away she'll have even fewer! :) She's getting so big too! I think she's gained a pound or so since being off the diet, which we expected. She's not rolling completely over but she loves rolling onto her side- sometimes I think she does it because she gets sick of everyone in her face all the time! :) We're still working on building up her muscles and trying to get her to reach out for things all on her ow... it's an ongoing battle but I'm not giving up! I can tell sometimes when I look at her that she knows what we're saying, she just can't communicate back to us... so I continue to have hope- I can see in her eyes that she's just like every other almost-two-year-old!

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